Clearing People‘s Money Blocks – Polly Alexandre

“Just because something goes wrong, it doesn’t mean that you’re a failure.” Polly Alexandre

For entrepreneurs, the call to taking responsibility and living your purpose is sometimes not crystal clear. The journey to discovering your purpose can be long and filled with challenges and self-doubt. Our guest today, Polly Alexander has gone through a long entrepreneurial journey towards finding and living her purpose and says that flexibility to learn and pivoting when necessary is key.

Polly Alexandre is a certified Master Coach, an Intuitive Healer & holds a BA (Hons) in Psychology. She blends her extensive transformational coaching experience & intuitive healing abilities with 15 years’ experience as an entrepreneur.

As the founder of Money Beautifully™ & Thrive Beautifully™, Polly helps spiritual entrepreneurs, change makers, visionary creatives and inspirational leaders fulfill their soul’s purpose and use their gifts to change the world.

In today’s episode, Polly will talk about her journey that led her into what she does today. She will also let us in to some of the secrets that have contributed to her success.

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Podcast: The Feminine Millionaire Show


  • I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time and originally it came from the desire to get out of the corporate world. [3:53]
  • Unplanned, I went back to university, studied, tried a few things and then became a photographer. [4:19]
  • Partway through my business journey I learned you could learn from others and that made it a lot easier because then I realized I could learn from the people who are further ahead. [4:35]
  • In my late 30s, I had a period in my life when everything started to fall apart and this led to me having to rework my own life. [4:46]
  • That is when my personal development journey began in earnest which actually led to a whole new career path that was not planned. [5:16]
  • I eventually acknowledged that there was something in the coaching and I just started taking clients who shared the life changing results. [5:55]
  • I started helping others, and obviously brought my own entrepreneurial experience in. [6:07]
  • The universe led me into learning intuitive healing and on that journey, I was clearing my own blocks and releasing my own limiting beliefs while at the same time learning how to help others do that. [6:31]
  • I help people basically release their money blocks but it’s about so much more than money and more about realizing potential. [7:14]
  • It led me on a path that was so much broader, beautiful and more interesting than I ever expected. [8:22]
  • When our belief system has gotten the opposite to what we’re trying to create, our belief system always wins. [9:14]
  • Kinesiology is a tool for testing our beliefs that are held in our body and it kind of bypasses the conscious mind, and tells us the truth of what’s going on. [10:13]
  • As a trained healer, you see blockages in the body, and areas of disharmony in your clients who have blockages. [11:50]
  • If our belief system is not congruent with the wealth we’re looking to create, we’ll find a way to self-sabotage to destroy it. [14:31]
  • As you scale your business, you want to be scaling your belief system as it relates to money so that you can then hold that wealth. [14:46]
  • Your intuition is your wisest guide when you’re choosing someone to work with or support your business. [17:23]
  • Commercial Break. [18:22]
  • The first part of my journey was not entrepreneurial accidentally as I was following my passion for photography and then figuring out how to make money. [20:14]
  • The second one was really about directly helping others and that involved learning everything about running an online business as well. [20:23]
  • I was doing that fully before the pandemic and that’s been an absolute blessing and God sent but I had to learn everything tech wise. [20:32]
  • I learned emotional resilience and learning to handle my emotions, so that I get off that emotional roller coaster in my business. [21:17]
  • Sometimes when things don’t work, it’s because you’re supposed to be doing something slightly different. [23:20]
  • We think we know the way something has to work out but we don’t know that all the different possibilities nor the long term consequence of that. [25:24]
  • When you’re an entrepreneur, you need to be flexible, you need to pivot constantly. [25:37]
  • Some of the Secrets to my success is first is being connected to source or God, whatever you call that higher power and that’s closely linked to listening to your intuition. [26:00]
  • Second thing is your energy is everything and when it starts to drop, make it a priority by investing in a lot in good food and in rest. [27:14]
  • Third one is taking big risks and that’s linked to not allowing your fears to hold you back. [29:35]
  • Fourth one is creating a powerful brand and that has been powerful right from the start. [31:56]
  • The fifth thing is resilience where knowing that miracles happen when you put yourself out there. [35:10]
  • The sixth thing is the ability to invest in my own personal development and transformation is a priority. [37:55]
  • Number seven is kindness and really caring about your clients because people resonate with authenticity and kindness more. [39:39]
  • The eight is getting support and being able to learn what business is about is a game changer. [40:18]
  • The last one is fun, where if I am not having fun, I don’t want to do it. [40:45]
  • It can be hard running your own business and it is really important to remember that you are here for a reason. [44:26]
  • Part of that journey is figuring out how to share and deliver your gifts and who needs them. [44:45]


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