In 2012, drawing on their collective experience, Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem penned a great resource, The Big Book of HR, and their writing partnership was born. Since then, they’ve written The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook, The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book, The Manager’s Answer Book, They Did What? Unbelievable Tales from The Workplace, and The Decisive Manager. They also collaborate on a weekly blog and contribute to The HR Exchange Network.
Both authors are influencers to the business and HR communities. They have been interviewed in major radio markets around the country, quoted in major publications, contributed to on-line media, and spoken to business groups. Among their writing awards, they are most proud of being 2020 Award Winners for The Manager’s Answer Book and a 2022 Finalist for The Big Book of HR, 10th Anniversary Edition from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the largest International Book Awards for Indie Authors, and Publishers.