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First Starts

First Starts

Do you really only get one chance to make a first impression? What job in your past or your present has really excited you? What kind of feelings did you have on the first day? Excitement? Happiness? Anxiety? Gratitude? Do you still feel those things? Over time in a job,

Extra Hour vs More Productive? – What Do You Really Want?

Extra Hour vs More Productive? – What Do You Really Want?

What Would One Extra Hour a Day Mean to You? Would you really get more done if you had one more hour in your day, or do you need to engage in better planning? It’s hard to be productive when you aren’t even sure if you want to be productive,

Make Time Your Friend In Your Workday

Make Time Your Friend In Your Workday

Have you ever reached the end of your workday and realized that you didn’t get anything done? Planning your day is only one part of the solution to time management. Knowing what you need to do, when you need to do it, and holding yourself accountable for results makes all

Career Mindfulness- Aligning Yourself to your Organization

Career Mindfulness- Aligning Yourself to your Organization

What do you like about your organization? Find something that you like about your organization because this will help you better connect with your organization. In finding out how your values are reflected in the company you work in; this will help you have a sense of ownership. If you

Career Mindfulness- How do I Show Up?

Career Mindfulness- How do I Show Up?

Have you ever asked; how do I show up? Mindfulness means real awareness of where you are at every moment of the day and your own reaction to the stimuli of the day. It’s a reflection of how you handle your tasks, how you are contributing to your environment and

Secrets to Your Personal Brand- Brand Statement

Secrets to Your Personal Brand- Brand Statement

Do you believe in your brand or do you feel like it’s an ideal what if? Living your statement every day begins by reading your brand statement every morning. Reminding yourself of what your expectations of yourself are, makes you more aware of areas that you are ding great and

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