Top 10 Tips for Surviving the Sudden Loss of a Spouse – Kelly Willenberg

When death hits home, it takes our loved ones from us, rids us of spoken promises and leaves us clawing for and clinging to cherished memories. Today, we talk to Dr. Kelly as she shares with us her top ten tips for surviving the sudden loss of a spouse.

Dr. Kelly Willenberg, LLC, DBA, BSN, RN, CCRP, CHRC, CHC is the owner of Kelly Willenberg, a company that specializes in healthcare research compliance. She is also a frequent speaker/trainer on healthcare compliance issues, grief, loss and has been recognized with awards as the highest rated speaker at conferences across the Globe.


Kelly lost her husband in a hit-and-run accident while he was riding his bicycle. Since that time, and upon the donation of his organs to help others, Kelly has not only been involved in the push for tougher distracted driving laws, but has been appointed to the OPTN Lung  Transplantation Committee.         


Kelly honors her husband’s untimely death by helping others as they struggle with loss, grief and the unknowns of life while running a successful business. Follow today’s conversation.


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