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The Unstoppable Woman – Amira Alvarez

“You will not find an extra ordinary entrepreneur who doesn’t know themselves.” Amira Alvarez

The awareness that nothing happens by chance helps entrepreneurs understand the relationship between action and output, thus bringing meaning to their business. However, sometimes getting that breakthrough to the next level can be elusive for a long time to majority of business people. Our guest today, Amira Alvarez helps entrepreneurs get past their blocks and says it all starts with learning to take responsibility of our actions.

Amira Alvarez is the founder and CEO of The Unstoppable Woman, a global coaching company helping entrepreneurs, empire builders, and rising stars in all fields achieve their goals and dreams faster than they ever thought possible. As someone who has made a quantum leap (going from barely making 6-figures to making $700k in one year, then onto 7-figures) and has lived to tell about it, she knows exactly what tactical strategies and mindset shifts are required to get out of your own way, live life on your own terms, and master the art of achieving any goal you set your mind to!

In today’s episode, Amira talks about her passion of helping people make the best of their strengths and talents while remaining true to themselves.

Listen in!


Twitter: @AmiraAlvarez

Instagram: @theunstoppablewoman



  • My company is all about helping women entrepreneurs get past those invisible blocks that keep them from quantum leaping or making that income breakthrough. [2:36]
  • When I started my business, I was unconscious about what I was doing that had some level of competency because I was getting ahead. [3:47]
  • I had this moment of realization that I was working very hard and felt like there were not enough hours of the day to work. [6:06]
  • I started studying success and what makes people successful, and why I was having some level of success but not a major breakthrough. [6:19]
  • Once I had my breakthrough, I went from 138 to 700k and that was the beginning of the coaching business. [6:33]:
  • One of the things I had to figure out was how to use the law of cause and effect. [8:18]
  • I teach from a perspective of inner game and outer game because entrepreneurs need both. [10:48]
  • I teach a lot from the concept of universal laws that help people understand that the world is an ordered place. [13:27]
  • The law of compensation says you’ll be compensated according to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty in replacing you. [13:38]
  • Over the years, I have become exceedingly good at getting very quick results for my clients but that was not the case when I started. (14:19]
  • If I don’t own my value, I’m going to make myself small and suppress myself and that makes me very commoditized. [15:20]
  • It was a terrifying process to keep making decisions from where I wanted to be, becoming the person that I wanted to be and owning that value. [16:20]
  • You will not find an extra ordinary entrepreneur who doesn’t know themselves. [19:30]
  • Commercial break
  • If you are constantly grinding and you don’t learn how to use your mind to change your perspective about what you are doing, you’re always going to feel like a grind and you are going to burn out. [23:51]
  • The level of truth, transparency and honesty I have about what I am doing is what allows me to grow so quickly. [24:54]
  • For most people, when they don’t get the result that they want, they will blame other people. [25:19]
  • As human beings we are conditioned to defend against this idea of being wrong. [25:52]
  • If you’re so committed to not being wrong, you will never be able to look at what you’re doing and make any change. [26:07]
  • If you learn how to take 100% personal responsibility, the world can’t do anything to you. [27:11]
  • Once you identify the gap, you have to do something different and take massive action immediately and consistently. [28:04]
  • As an entrepreneur, do not be afraid of your desires, because they are causative and shows you your path. [33:26]


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