It’s Fine. I’m Fine. Everything is Fine. – Jessica Manfre

She might not have known what the Coast Guard was when she met her future husband, but 16 years, 9 moves and 2 children later, she does now. Our guest today is Jessica Manfre, spouse to an active-duty Coast Guardsman.

In today’s episode Jessica shares the joys, stresses, and pride of being a military spouse, talking especially about how she keeps connected to friends around the globe no matter where she and her husband are stationed. She also gives us important insight the struggles of military spouses regarding unemployment and under-employment.

Jessica Manfre is an author and freelance writer for multiple publications, provides telehealth therapy for children and families for a small nonprofit, and is the co-founder and CFO of Inspire Up, a 501c3 nonprofit promoting global generosity and kindness through education, empowerment and community building.

Listen in:

Social media handles:

Facebook: @JessicaManfreLMSW

Instagram: @Jess_Manfre

Twitter: @JessicaManfre
