A journey to the Mountains – Jeff Rasley

“Every time you encounter a different culture a different environment you expand as a human being.” ~ Jeff Rasley

Many of us have different experiences with travel but how many of us have had travel open up a new world, a new you that you never thought existed. In his travel escapades Jeff Rasley encountered a new culture that led him start up a foundation for a community which he encountered whilst travelling.

In this episode we get to vicariously live through his experience and learn how travel can open up avenues you never thought existed.

Jeff Rasley is the founder of the Basa Village Foundation, which funds culturally sensitive development in Nepal. He is the co-founder of the Jeff and Alicia Rasley Internship Program for the ACLU of Indiana.

Jeff Rasley is the author of eleven books; the most recent is Anarchist, Republican… Assassin, a political novel. The tenth was You Have to Get Lost Before You Can Be Found, a memoir about 25 years of adventures and development work in the Himalayas. He has published numerous articles in academic and mainstream periodicals, including Newsweek, Chicago Magazine, ABA Journal, Family Law Review, The Journal of Communal Societies, Quest Magazine, and Friends Journal. He is an award-winning photographer and his pictures taken in the Himalayas and Caribbean and Pacific islands have been published in several journals. He has appeared as a featured guest on over 100 radio and podcast programs.

Website: https://www.Jeffrasley.com 

  • I found love with the Himalayan mountains, the nature, the people and the culture of the people that live up in the high mountains. [04:49]
  • If you have a well round organization and dependable people you can take time off. [06:39]
  • I think an organization will run so much better if people feel when they hit a burn out stage and need a time out then can take time to go recharge their batteries.  [10:10]
  • What possessed you to start your foundation and what kind of things do you try to achieve with your foundation that are allowing you to feel like you are giving back. [11:40]
  • Culturally sensitive development. [17:40]
  • It was an illustration of how you can maintain a traditional culture but also have the advantages that modern medicine and technology can do for you. [19:34]
  • Every project would be requested by the village itself. None of the projects were our ideas, they were ideas of the villagers. [20:48]
  • All of the construction work the villagers did themselves and we do not pay them for that. Then they own it. [21:16]
  • We didn’t want to create a culture of dependency where we just give them stuff and then it’s like they aren’t really invested in it. [21:38]
  • Commercial  &Marketing U. [21:55]
  • To me it’s a form of meditation, putting one foot in front of the other, your focus becomes where you place your feet, stopping now and then to take in the surrounding nature. [27:18]
  • Do you a moment where you feel guilty for someone else carrying your luggage and stuff up the mountains? [28:40]
  • Your guilt ends when you do what a lot of us like to do which is try to lift the bag. [28:46]
  • They are the strongest people in the world and to them it’s like a job. [29:22]
  • Take time every year, life is short and travel. [31:05]
  • Every time you encounter a different culture a different environment you expand as a human being. [31:23] 


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