11 ways to be a more Empowered Leader – Jackie Cleary

What kind of confidence do you need to be an exceptional leader? Our guest today, Jackie Cleary, of Cleary Coaching and Consulting, gives us her top 11 (not top 10!) tips for becoming a more empowered leader. Jackie offers executive coaching to professional businesswomen who are embarking on career change and challenges them to embrace their inner awesomeness, the need for psychological safety in the workplace, and finding the right balance.

It’s always good to have a mirror to glance into when you know you can’t look back or go back in time. Jackie reminds us to look at our own reflection, taking the time to analyze our past to better know how to improve for the future. When we take time to align our minds and actions, when we know our “WHY,” we will be on a path towards continual self-improvement.

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