Be Inspired By Your Own Work! – Martha Krejci

Can you turn your passions into multiple income streams for your family? Our guest today knows that you can.

Martha Krejci, The TribeFinder is a mama, wife, friend, and lover of life first, and a CEO second. She focuses on Work From Home Business Tips, Tricks, and Strategies. Martha is messy and a bit chaotic at times, but gets stuff done. She’s out to prove that you don’t have to be anything other than exactly who you are.

In this episode we talk about how she helps families build businesses that make a difference in their communities, and in their financial freedom. Along the way, she also shows how this teaches our children all that they could possibly be. By knowing and accepting the fires that you have walked through, Marth can teach you to build a business that allows you to put your hand back into that fire and help pull the next person out from the flames.


Listen in!

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Thank you to our March Sponsor: &Marketing U

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