The Art of Preparation in Media Interviews with Craig Syracusa

In this episode, we dive into the world of media interviews with Craig Syracusa, a four-time Emmy nominated executive producer and director. With over 25 years in the entertainment industry, Craig emphasizes the critical role of preparation in ensuring successful interviews. The Importance of Preparation: Craig underscores that thorough preparation is the cornerstone of effective

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Secrets to A Successful Work Day – How to Start Your Day

Secrets to A Successful Work Day – How to Start Your Day

What is the first thing you do when you get to your desk? We might pick up right from where we left things the day before. Maybe we just take things as they come. Maybe we don’t really know where to start, so we start with the first thing in

Secrets To A Successful Work Day – Are You Running Your Day Or Is your Day Running You?

Secrets To A Successful Work Day – Are You Running Your Day Or Is your Day Running You?

How many of us have ever looked at our to-do list and said, “I accomplished everything on it”? Or better yet, how many of us even have a to-do list? It’s very easy to flow with the day, to take it as it comes. Planning, however, ensures that you are

Procrastination – Put One Foot In Front of the Other

Procrastination – Put One Foot In Front of the Other

How does procrastination impact us, in the short and the long-term? When we procrastinate, we build up high levels of anxiety, and that anxiety throws us into fight or flight mode. Stay in that mode too long, and you are headed for trouble. No one wants to procrastinate, yet it

Procrastination – How & Why Its Putting Your Career On Hold

Procrastination – How & Why Its Putting Your Career On Hold

What do you do, when you get stuck? How do you get yourself out of your own head? Sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin, but when we want to get several things done at the same time, in our hurry, this may end up blocking you more than

Secrets To Career Success – What Does Success Mean To You?

Secrets To Career Success – What Does Success Mean To You?

When we say we want to be successful in our careers, the most important first question to ask is, “What does success me to me?” Success comes in all forms and shapes, and may mean different things to different people.  Listen in to narrow down what is most important to

Secrets to  Career Success – Detours In Your Career

Secrets to Career Success – Detours In Your Career

We all face challenges in our careers but having the mindset to not only navigate these challenges but to see the opportunities hidden in them, moves you from an “either/or” mindset and to “both/and” mindset. You may have begun in a certain career or maybe gone to school to go

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