Know Your Worth and Demand It – Lauren Kennedy

“Know your worth and start demanding people treat you the way that you believe you’re worthy.” Lauren Kennedy

Automation of functions can be a game changer not only for the businesses, but for clients as well. Understanding how those systems can work optimally for your business is key to the growth of the business. Even more important is taking into consideration the people aspect while automating our businesses. This is according to our guest today, Lauren Kennedy.    

Lauren Kennedy is the founder of Coastal Consulting, a people-first marketing automation agency focused on HubSpot and Salesforce. She is an innovative leader, not only in the service her team provides but also in the delivery and ecosystem surrounding it. She embodies the people-first approach and takes every opportunity to grow, nurture, and develop those around her.

Lauren is a mission-driven woman on a trajectory to change the way business is done, both for employees and customers. Underneath all of that, a leader worth following. She has created an agency environment that focuses on the person behind the solution, both for the team and the client.

In today’s episode, Lauren talks about how her company helps businesses to solve their pain points. She also highlights on how having a people centered approach has been the greatest asset in driving growth for her business.

Listen in!

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  • I left corporate America in March of 2021, and started coastal consulting and have really grown as a leader and a marketing automation expert this year. [2:40]
  • I have grown to help my clients shock their potential by making HubSpot and Salesforce understandable, approachable and easier. [3:08]
  • My team helps your systems do work for you instead of the other way around. [3:35]
  • It is great to be able to touch many companies and help them take control of their systems, make them work for them and get some return. [4:39]
  • Salesforce is the leading CRM on the market where all the interactions you have with your customer are stored. [5:17]
  • Salesforce at its core lacks marketing automation tool, and so what HubSpot does is, it adds the automation layer to Salesforce. [5:25]
  • From my experience, HubSpot is the most user-friendly platform which has grown to not just being a marketing automation tool, but also a CRM. [6:21]
  • The integration connects all your teams and aligns them around your customer data so that they can actually act on that. [6:38]
  • A lot of companies who are smaller have a ton of systems that they use for all these different things. [8:48]
  • HubSpot integrates all these functions and grows with you as you grow,  and you pay more to get to the next level of the subscription. [9:13]
  • Most of our clients are looking to migrate from a different tool to HubSpot, and are not really sure what they don’t know about the system to make sure they’re using it fully. [10:27]
  • Our clients hand to us their pain points and their goals, and then we go to make their systems work for them. [12:33]
  • Commercial break. [12:52]
  • A big thing that I’ve learned through starting a business, is how strong I am and that I’m a lot more resilient that I give myself credit for. [16:05]
  • The relationship that I’ve built with myself through this process of believing in my own abilities, and having confidence in me to figure it out, has been a huge personal development. [16:26]
  • Something that I’ve learned that I didn’t really expect, was my passion for leadership, and during that process, I found that I derive so much more joy from impacting my team’s lives. [16:38]
  • It is no secret that hiring right now is a challenge, and there are a lot of people that are looking for a place that just understands them. [18:27]
  • Our job posts are focused on the individual, and explains how we got to where we are and where we’re going, and the reasons why we need them. [19:59]
  • It is really powerful to me to be creating a space where people want to be a part of it and have an environment where there’s dedicated time and a budget specifically for people to learn. [21:24]
  • Know your worth and start demanding people treat you the way that you believe you’re worthy. [24:26]


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